Fleets Bay Part 1: Little Bay

Took a couple of days off last week so that we could get out on the water one last time before the kids went back to school.

The plan was to sail down to the beach at Little Bay, just north of Windmill Point and raft up for the night with our friends Daniel and Karen.Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 6.54.44 PM

Its about a 23 mile run due to having to go out and around Windmill Point. The point actually continues out a ways past the marker and can get pretty rough with wind over tide and a moderate Southerly/Northerly wind.

We left a little late with a nice 10-15 Kn. wind, unfortunately from the SE. we motored down as far as Deltaville, about 16 nm then I set sail around the point, when the wind died… Motor-sailing up the northern coast of Fleets Island we had a steady 2ft quartering sea and I noticed a little queasiness in the crew but we were safely at anchor in a couple of hours.


Jean and Grace had never been out in the main part of the Bay, nor had they slept at anchor before os this was a trip of a lot of firsts!

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Little Bay is a popular anchorage and there were around fifteen boats there for the last weekend of August. It is a big anchorage though and it did not feel overcrowded.


There is a beautiful beach and it is a great place to watch the sunset.

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DSC00768The next morning Mojo and I decided to go exploring in the dinghy. The Beach was deserted and covered in these bird tracks.

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After some brunch, Daniel and Karen had to leave.


So we did some more beach combing and generally hung out for the rest of the day!

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about 5 o’clock we upped anchor and headed up to Indian Creek and Kilmarnock.

More to follow.

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